Thursday, December 26, 2013

I am a member!

So yeah as you may already know from the post below this, I am a member.  Me being a member will help improve this blog, as I can go to different parties (like the horses only party), get member only items, and play member adventures (like greely's inferno).  I have played (or tried playing) every adventure.  I got stuck at greely's inferno with the orange alpha stones and the gears.  I want to give a big shout out to 4youok for giving me this membership.  I very much appreciate it.  And another shout out to countrygirl2121 for supporting me and doing your best.  The next people I want to give a shout out to are in the blog center crew!  beibsfever, animal40490, and hellolol1.  I can't thank you enough!

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