Saturday, October 19, 2013

Phantoms Are Out!

The phantoms are back!  Go into the phantom vortex and if you get past level 5, you get a heavy phantom statue.  There is a phantom vortex in every land.  It looks like a portal thing that is greenish, purple, and black swirl.  I am so sorry that I have not been posting.  It's just been so busy with school, sports, and family - I just haven't had the time.  But now I'm going to post every day.  Anyway, back to phantoms.

There is a new adventure for non-members.  It is definitely harder than the first adventure.  The prizes are:

  • an explorer crate
  • a green alpha stone
  • crystals
  • phantom pipe
500 gems

  I have gotten the alpha stone but when I went to my inventory to set it out in my den, it wasn't there.  It just happened today actually. Please comment - I really want to know what you think.

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